Back pain and yoga Saddleworth

What is Chiropractic?

back pain york
Chiropractic is concerned with improving function of the musculo-skeletal system and in particular the spine. It is a method of locating areas of mechanical dysfunction that could be contributing to poor mobility, pain and discomfort.  Specific, gentle adjustments help to restore correct movement and relieve pain.

People most commonly consult a Chiropractor for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculo-skeletal system. Treatment is helpful for many common complaints, including back pain, neck pain, other joint disorders and some headaches. Your chiropractor may also use additional tools such as massage techniques, lifestyle and exercise advice to assist your recovery.

Your chiropractor will work alongside medical and allied health professionals to ensure all your healthcare needs are addressed appropriately.

McTimoney Chiropractic is a holistic approach to chiropractic care and the precise, gentle adjustments are comfortable to receive and suitable for people of all ages. Even the very young, very elderly and pregnant women (after the first trimester) can benefit from care.

Watch this short video to learn a little more about how McTimoney Chiropractic could help you.

Improving the Health of the Nation!

back pain knaresboroughMcTimoney chiropractic has helped thousands of people for over 50 years and around 150,000 new patients consult a McTimoney Chiropractor each year. Over 8000 people are cared for by McTimoney Chiropractors each working day.
UK members of the McTimoney Chiropractic Association are registered with the General Chiropractic Council.